Does Smoking and Drinking Alcohol Cause Arthritis?


Everyone already knows that there are significant health risks associated with tobacco and excessive alcohol use. So does smoking and drinking alcohol cause Arthritis?

Public awareness campaigns and government action over the past few decades has helped educate the public and reduce the percentage of people addicted to tobacco or excessive alcohol consumption. Heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and countless other health problems have already been linked to use of both drugs. However, a less well-known effect is the increased likelihood and severity of arthritis among tobacco and alcohol users.

It is unclear exactly what causes arthritis, however researchers have largely agreed that it is a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. An individual genetically predisposed to arthritis will not be able to prevent its onset by abstaining from cigarettes and alcohol. However, they will be able to reduce the severity to some extent and possibly delay how long it takes to become severe. Additionally, some of those who are marginally susceptible to arthritis might be able to prevent it from developing or reduce the severity when it does appears.

How Smoking Makes Arthritis Worse

Studies have been done proving the link between smoking and an increased risk for arthritis. Tobacco and cigarette smoke weaken the body’s immune system and put increased strain on the liver and kidneys. An increase in toxicity associated with strain on the liver and kidneys is proven to increase the risk for immunodeficiency diseases, including arthritis. A weak immune system can cause inflamed joints and muscles, a key contributor to arthritic symptoms.

One example of how smoking can increase the likelihood of arthritis was done in 2010 on a specific gene called HLA-DRB1, which is a common genetic variant among healthy individuals. The study concluded that those with the HLA-DRB1 gene are significantly more likely to get arthritis if they smoke on a regular basis. The study was also able to prove that those with the gene that smoke regularly will have a much more severe form of arthritis than they otherwise would have developed had they not smoked. Numerous other studies have been done on the effects of smoking. The vast majority come to conclusions similar to those found in the 2010 HLA-DRB1 study.

Smoking has also been found to cause arthritic flare-ups that last longer and are more severe. Quality of life can be significantly improved by reducing or eliminating smoking habits, even if arthritis is already in its moderate to severe stages.

Smoking with arthritis also significantly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Although smoking increases these risks by itself, the combination of smoking and arthritic symptoms increases the risk significantly higher than either would on their own.

How Drinking Makes Arthritis Worse

Drinking alcohol has not been proven to significantly increase the risk and severity of arthritis like smoking has. However, individuals with arthritis must be careful because the majority of prescription medications used to treat arthritis symptoms are metabolized by the liver. In conjunction with even moderate amounts of alcohol, these medications can cause liver damage. Over the counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol) are often used to treat arthritis pain because they act as an anti-inflammatory in addition to reducing pain. Unfortunately, these medications are also filtered by the liver and can cause just as much damage as prescription medications when combined with too much alcohol.

Excessive alcohol use also weakens the body’s immune system and ability to filter out toxins. Although the correlation between alcohol and arthritis is not as well-studied as the correlation between smoking and arthritis, it is logical to assume that a weaker immune system and filtration system in the body will increase the likelihood and severity of arthritis. As with most things, moderation is essential; anyone unsure about whether or not their alcohol consumption is posing a health risk should speak with their doctor.

Benefits of Treating Arthritis Naturally

One of the benefits of using natural treatments to reduce and relieve arthritis symptoms is that they tend to place much less strain on the liver. Damage to the liver can be cumulative, so any reduction in treatments that can cause damage long-term is usually a good idea. Before making any decisions, always discuss the pros and cons with your doctor.

Why you Should Consider Using Provalien

Many doctors are recommending Provalien to treat arthritis because it has proven to be effective in reducing the symptoms of arthritis and is made from natural ingredients. Provalien contains three active ingredients: Capsaicin, Reishi Fungus, and Tongkat Ali.

Capsaicin naturally increases the blood flow to joint muscles. This reduces inflammation and sooths irritated joints. The increased blood flow also helps nutrients reach the areas affected by arthritis.

Reishi Fungus supports the immune system which reduces the severity and frequency of arthritic flare-ups. It also helps the liver and kidneys detoxify, making them better able to handle other medications and reducing autoimmune symptoms such as inflammation or allergies.

Tongkat Ali is a root extract that supplements the strength of muscles and bones, particularly near affected joints. Stronger muscles help reduce the strain on arthritic joints, which can reduce pain caused by arthritis and sometimes can delay the escalation of symptoms.

Provalien can be an effective way to treat arthritis, as well as help to turn back some of the damages done by smoking and excessive drinking habits.